Steam Early Access / Pre-Release Version Now Available

Steam Early Access / Pre-Release Version Now Available

October 13, 2017

Making History: The Second World War is officially for sale at the Factus Games Store and Steam as an Early Access title. This is a pre-release version. The game is mostly feature complete and stable. The Early Access process allows us to finish the game with input from the community. For a small independent company like Factus Games, this has many advantages. We do not have the staff for intensive testing so the community does help us find issues that might take longer to find in house. More importantly, the end phase is typically dominated by AI and game balancing. These are areas where players can provide valuable feedback and influence the final product.


There’s still a lot of work ahead for some areas of the game and still more we want to improve before the final release. We plan to get new game updates to the community on a weekly basis. During the pre-release period it’s possible saved games could become incompatible after an update. However, we will try hard to avoid that from happening. It’s difficult to say exactly how long the pre-release period will last. We expect it to be no more than 2 months.


Get a Steam or a Non-Steam version of Making History: The Second World War (Pre-Release) in the Factus Games Store.


Visit the Steam Community Discussion page to read postings from other players and Factus Games. The Early Access game can also available for purchase on Steam.


This is the first of what we hope to be many games developed at Factus Games. Thanks for your support.


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