Factus Games announces the release of a new content expansion for Making History: The Second World War featuring many of the foremost vessels of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Among the models you get are Fubuki-class destroyers, Fusō-class dreadnoughts and the largest battleship ever constructed, the Yamato, plus many more.
We’ve also added in a newly built British Dreadnought model that was made for the upcoming Great War Gold release. For players frustrated by an a-historical German-Soviet military alliance that would sometimes occur in the game, we’ve modified the AI so that Fascist and Communist governments only consider an alliance if they are both at war with the same great power. This will not eliminate the possibility but it should be even less common.
Along with continued support, system improvements and bug fixes for The Second World War, Factus Games plans to provide more content updates with new models, events and scenarios to improve the game experience. All current and new owners of Making History: The Second World War will see the Japanese fleet models on the Full and Medium Model Set options after they update their game to version 1.0.61701.46.
Release Notes:
- Added new Japanese & British ship models into game
- Fixed error in Japanese Northern Route Event to provide Japanese Mech Infantry instead of German
- Added region control checks for German Unit expansion events
- Put in fix for Japanese Puppet Mengjiang triggering Sino-Japan war
- Communist and Fascist governments will not form an alliance unless they are both at war with the same Great Power
- Fixed paging issue on sub group selection panel
- Removed some duplicate code that code prevent some events from firing.